donderdag 30 juni 2011

Nicholas Kirkwood: Shoes-guru.

Nicholas Kirkwood is a british shoe designer. He launched his own shoe collection in 2005. His designs are stunning, bringing together a modern architecture with subtle femininity. many celebs are wearing them, include Julianne Moore, Rihanna and Sarah Jessica Parker. Nicholas Kirkwood is inspired by geometry and clean lines. Emphasis is on the shape of the shoe, not on superfluous embellishments that may adorn the shoes of other designers. He love to give ladies extra height with his platform. He likes to use materials as the finest satin, lizard, snakeskin (including python) and suede.

woensdag 29 juni 2011

classy and fabulous

classy and fabulous

The summer is in the house so be good to your skin.

It's summer and you're enjoying the beautiful weather. It's not only what you wear that makes you look good, but you have to be good for your skin too. Between the sun burning your face off and turning it to leather and the bitter cold chapping it what are we do to keep our faces looking fresh? Well I have some tips for you to keep your face and body look healthy and beautiful as passible for as long as possible.

Don't use soap to wash your face. It's not good for your skin. The skin on your face is much more sensitive than the rest of your body. Soaps have harsh detergents and deodorant properties. Not something you want for your face (there are some more organic soaps that do not have those things). You better use facial cleaners who are made for your face's skin, it has a lower ph and a lower alkaline. However, make sure that when you get a facial cleanser, it says fragrance free. Those fragrances can really irritate your skin. You don't have to buy a very expensive one. There a lot of cheaper ones who works very good.

Eating well helps every part of your being, but you would be amazed at how much it helps your skin. Reduce your intake of junk food if you do eat it. Trans fats and high glycemic foods really crush you. eating leaner protien is life changing and skin changing! Also, consume foods that have a sufficient amount of zinc. Zinc is an essential for healthy skin. If you are unable to get all your essential vitamins, take a supplement.

De-stress and workout- stress is probably the worst thing you can do to your skin. Take care of yourself not only on the outside, nut on the inside too. Take a calm bath with nice music and lavender or workout. You can read about some workout on my other blog sportstijl
It's in dutch so I hope you understand it. otherwise, just ask me what it means.

Good look to take care of your sin